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Benefits of Healing Basic Chakra

Please note that each Chakra has a Yantra (picture or symbol) and a Mantra. The pictures are available at the centre.

Root Chakra – Mooladhara – Basic Chakra

There are 5 pictures for root chakra which can be used for healing and meditation.

Use the symbols for following reasons:

1.       Lum symbol

a.       For stability  (See picture and chant)

b.      For safe journey and to not meet with an accident (See picture and chant).    

c.       When there is a fear of death look at the picture and chant.

d.      For recharging body and recouping energy.

e.      For spiritual longing concentrate on the inverted triangle in the picture.

f.        Placing the picture on the table in front of a distracted child will help the child concentrate.  The square shape in the picture will give one pointed concentration.

g.       Useful for grounding.  Will encourage wayward teenagers gain responsibility and return home.

h.       Placing a glass of water on the picture for 30 minutes and then giving it to the child will overcome temper tantrums.

i.         Useful for controlling aggressive behaviour.

j.        For Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

k.       For impatience and irritability.

l.         Can be used as an alternative to the Bach Flower Remedy “Rescue Remedy”.

2.       Indran on Iravatham (elephant)

a.       Can be used to gain discipline and concentration, both mental and physical.

b.      Useful for meditation – to get divine consciousness and spiritual progress.

3.       Brahma

a.       Meditate on picture 1, then picture 2 and then on Brahma; after which a conscious intention to release the past can be made.

b.      Useful in overcoming obstacles.

4.       Dakini

a.       Meditate on the picture to remove all fear.

b.      Look at the picture and allow the energy to go in and heal to reduce all physical, emotional and mental pain.

c.       Cleansing symbol – can be used to cleanse any pain from invisible sources and /or entities in the auric field.  Can be kept near a person who requires healing.

5.       Lum with Elephant

a.       This picture has the energy of Brahma, Saraswati, Kundalini and primal force.

For instructions on how to use the pictures, please refer the link: