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Energize Your Home and Office

Home Affairs

For Studies: Sei He Ki, as it is a brain activating symbol

If your bed room lacks energy, then draw all the symbols over the room.

While milk is boiled, and before eating any food give Reiki to them, as Prana and oxygen contained in them is increased.

For the house where you are staying, or over the address written on a paper, give Reiki

Give Reiki to drinking water and make others drink it. Spray the Reiki water over the floor, and house garden.


The symbol can be drawn in front of the main door of your house or office.  This will help to cleanse that place and protect from the negative rays.

When there is no promotion: give Reiki to both Hara Chakra and Throat Chakra (keep your hands – left hand on Hara and right hand on throat – to make known your potentials.

For a Congenial office atmosphere, give Reiki to office, visualizing the office is filled with Reiki, and everybody in it.

Deserve A Better Life Through Reiki

Gita has been working in the Sales department for last 20 years. She was tipped to be the next branch manager where she has to manage four to five branches. Everybody thought she deserve that position. While her chief officer from Honk Kong felt otherwise and wanted to get the branch manager from outside.

It was decided to advertise in newspapers to fill the position. She wrote an affirmation on a piece of paper and gave Reiki to it.

They advertised twice, yet no response from outside. As time was running out she was promoted to that post.

She thanked all the people. Did send Reiki to them and to her chief officer (to do so write the names of the people in the paper and give Reiki to it), as well as for the affirmation she wrote.

Pass Your Exams without Fail

A boy studying 12th standard is studious and a first rank holder. During his final exams and just before the last two exams, he was infected with chicken pox. His parents gave him Reiki. He got recouped with lot of energy in his body.

He got permission to write the exam in a separate hall as the disease is contagious. He passed very well with flying callers. This couldn’t have happened but for Reiki.