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Reiki Symbols

(From the book True Spirit of Reiki by Naran S Balakumar)

There are totally six symbols.

Drawing Symbols

The symbols get the life, when you draw the symbol and chant the name of symbols thrice. When you utter the mantra thrice the symbol gets activated.

For practice we are drawing the symbol in the note-book afterwards we have to draw the symbol in the air.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

First symbol is called HON SHA ZE SHO NEN.

The first symbol is not a symbol but it is a Japanese script. The meaning of the symbol is – “I am in the right direction, and I am silent”. What is right direction? When you are silent you will be in the right direction. I am in right direction, and silent to know my true nature, which is shining like a light. That light is divine.

In other words the whole script says that you are Atman. The Atman is healing and not the mind. That means you should be detached from the healing. When you say Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, you are outside the body and you are just witnessing what is happening.

In that manner, it is the connecting symbol for your own Atman. The Atman only can give light and not our mind because our mind is always in darkness. It is Atman which provides the light to the mind. I am in the right direction means, “I am the Atman who is doing the healing”.


What is work of this symbol? It helps to remove the congestion. Whatever be the problem area, we have to first cleanse and clear the congestion. Zonar does that work.

Sei He Ki

Once the congestion is released, where will it go? It has to find some place. The congestion moves from one place to another. So Sei He Ki makes the congestion into powder and sends them into the space. The congestion energy is dissipated into the space.

The Zonar removes the congestion and Sei He Ki sends it back to the universe for reprocessing.


What does it do? The organ or the problem, after the congestion is removed is weak, because of not receiving energy. This symbol gives strength to the organ or body.


Next is Shanti. This symbol gives Reiki to the organ or body. Shanti is the energizing symbol and working through pink color. That is love and Reiki is nothing but love. That means the divine love is given by Shanti.

Cho Ku Rei

After giving the divine love you have to realign the organ or system to the divine flow and create harmony. That is taken care of by another symbol called Cho Ku Rei. The harmony is restored by Cho Ku Rei. 

Chakra Healing for Throat Infection


I just came back from my holidays. Right now, I am afflicted by a throat infection, which happens whenever I travel by AC buses or trains. Please tell me what I can do for this problem.


  1. Keep your left hand on the Throat (Chakra) and the right hand below the belly button (Hara Chakra)
  2. Mentally rotate the Hara Chakra clockwise, and affirm, “My Hara Chakra is rotating clockwise in an optimal speed, drawing energy and Orange colour from the Universal Divine Energy”.
  3. Mentally rotate the Throat Chakra clockwise, and affirm, “My Throat Chakra is rotating clockwise in an optimal speed, drawing energy from the Universal Divine Energy”.
  4. Visualize Orange colour going from your Hara Chakra to Throat Chakra
  5. Do the steps 2 to 4, for a couple of minutes each
  6. Do it few times a day
  7. Chant the mantra, “Om Howm Vum Joom Saha” for as many times as possible, separately.


When you are affected by a Throat infection, the body would try to heal it by sending orange colour stored all over the body to the throat. This will lead to reduction of orange content in the body. We need to replenish it. We do that by accumulating orange colour in the Hara Chakra, and then sending it to the Throat Chakra. To know more about relationships between colours and Chakras, please refer this blog:

In addition, whenever we are physically or emotionally affected, one or more of our Chakras will be imbalanced and they will start rotating anti-clockwise. When you have a throat infection, your Throat Chakra will be affected. As Hara is connected to Throat Chakra, it will be also affected. We take care of this by mentally rotating them in the clockwise direction and in an optimal speed.

Om Howm Vum Joom Saha is a good mantra for all types of infections, including Swine Flu. Howm takes care of the Throat Chakra, while Vum takes care of the Hara Chakra, and strengthens it. As we are prone to lots of infections these days, it will be a good habit to chant this mantra, a few minutes a day. Hold a bottle of water and chant this mantra. Then give the water to every member of your family as a tonic.

On a regular basis, you can charge your chakras with colours required by them. Listen to the Solar Energy CD which helps to keep your chakras balanced, normalized and energized. To know the benefits of listening to the Solar Energy CD, please check out the link: