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Positions of Energy

Major Reiki Positions

There are 18 positions in our body, through which we can tap energy.

However, if you have a lot of money but do not spend it, then the money is useless. In the same way, if you don’t tap the energy in you, it’s as good as being poor.

Giving Reiki in those positions

By giving Reiki in these 18 positions, Reiki will remove all unwanted stuff from our lives.

We don’t have to worry, which position removes which unwanted stuff. Just work in all these positions. Reiki will take care of the rest.

Chakras Vs Reiki Positions

These 18 positions are governed by the seven chakras.

Therefore, by working on these positions, you work on the chakras that channel the energy for us. Origin of disease happens because of lack of energy in chakras.

Hands-on Reiki Positions

If you are keeping your hands on Reiki positions then do the following, after drawing the relevant Reiki Symbols:

  • In each position, spend at least three minutes. You could use an alarm with a snooze facility. If you don’t want to do that, to manage duration of giving Reiki in each position,you may say the affirmations certain no of times (say for example, eleven times in each position).
  • Finally to take care of back positions, which is hard for some people to place their hands on back positions, do the Hanuman posture (joining the hands and two soles of the feet) for a few minutes after drawing the symbols. This is very good to energize yourself after a long strenuous day.

Reiki Sessions

It takes about 45 minutes to give Reiki to all positions.

If you can’t get 45 minutes at a stretch, then split your session into three 15-minutes sessions – first session in the morning, second session during the day and then the last one before going to sleep.

We may fall asleep while doing the third session though. However, it doesn’t matter.

Target Your Goals through Reiki

If you say, “I want to be successful in business” then it means that there is a lack of success in your business and this area is not receiving required energy either from body or mind. To make your business a successful one, give it Reiki – the universal energy, on a regular basis.

Giving Reiki to Your Goals and Objectives

How does Reiki work here?

  1. I am not successful in one area of life because there is internal resistance – otherwise known as psychological reversal or internal self sabotage mechanism. Reiki heals this internal resistance.
  2. Some of our intentions are always fulfilled – say for example eating Dosas or going to Mumbai by flight. Though, there are desires that are not fulfilled. Why? It means the energy of those desires is very low. Let us say we require X degrees of energy to get the work done. We have only X – 30. Then these desires can’t be fulfilled. How to increase their energy level? Give Reiki to those intensions. This will boost the energy level of them. For anything that’s not happening in your life, give it Reiki.
  3. Reiki channels are successful because they work on the affirmations with lots of perseverance. When we fail, we form a belief – a self-limiting belief. We have to remove that from the mind. We can remove it through Reiki.

Forming Affirmations – there is a structure behind it

  1. Write the goal as if it has already happened (affirmation) and give Reiki to it.
  2. Add to all the affirmations, “Reiki heal the intention for the highest good for everybody concerned”. Why should we add this sentence to the affirmation? This is surrendering to Reiki, as only on a surrender things will happen. When we believe that Reiki can do it, it will start working.
  3. We need to do different intentions on different paper. If one intention is healed, we don’t have to give Reiki to it. Though you can give Reiki for all the affirmations put together.
  4. Or use a Reiki box where you can have multiple affirmations inside it and give Reiki to it. The box will be charged permanently and therefore any papers (stuff) kept inside the box will be energised quickly.
  5. Draw all the symbols. Need not be in order, for example you can draw Zonar many times before drawing another symbol. You can use both traditional and Reiki symbols here.
  6. Have the hands over the box or the individual affirmation (paper) for a minute or two. It (box or affirmation paper) will be energized with Reiki.
  7. Instead of doing nothing while hands are placed, you may chant, “I am sorry, please forgive me, love, thanks, divine”. This will provide additional healing to the affirmation.

Saved from Tsunami – a Case History

If there is a problem in the society that means there is less energy. Reiki can be useful to handle that. I have a friend, who was saved from tsunami, by doing the Violet Flame meditation and giving Reiki to her house. While houses around her house were destroyed, her building remained intact, safe and sound.

Intention and Reiki

All our desires and intentions can be fulfilled with the help of Reiki. Reiki works as per our intention. As you intend, energy flows towards that direction or goal. Though, it might take its own route. Reiki can change anybody’s life. It’s a subtle form of energy, result of which, we may not be able to see immediately.

None of your intentions will go unfulfilled if you use Reiki. I challenge you on this!!!