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Positions of Energy

Major Reiki Positions

There are 18 positions in our body, through which we can tap energy.

However, if you have a lot of money but do not spend it, then the money is useless. In the same way, if you don’t tap the energy in you, it’s as good as being poor.

Giving Reiki in those positions

By giving Reiki in these 18 positions, Reiki will remove all unwanted stuff from our lives.

We don’t have to worry, which position removes which unwanted stuff. Just work in all these positions. Reiki will take care of the rest.

Chakras Vs Reiki Positions

These 18 positions are governed by the seven chakras.

Therefore, by working on these positions, you work on the chakras that channel the energy for us. Origin of disease happens because of lack of energy in chakras.

Hands-on Reiki Positions

If you are keeping your hands on Reiki positions then do the following, after drawing the relevant Reiki Symbols:

  • In each position, spend at least three minutes. You could use an alarm with a snooze facility. If you don’t want to do that, to manage duration of giving Reiki in each position,you may say the affirmations certain no of times (say for example, eleven times in each position).
  • Finally to take care of back positions, which is hard for some people to place their hands on back positions, do the Hanuman posture (joining the hands and two soles of the feet) for a few minutes after drawing the symbols. This is very good to energize yourself after a long strenuous day.

Reiki Sessions

It takes about 45 minutes to give Reiki to all positions.

If you can’t get 45 minutes at a stretch, then split your session into three 15-minutes sessions – first session in the morning, second session during the day and then the last one before going to sleep.

We may fall asleep while doing the third session though. However, it doesn’t matter.

Forgive Your Ancestors


Inspired from your writings, me and my wife used to do forgiveness – to forgive and be forgiven once a day 3 times in a row, the wording of which includes our ancestors who are no more on this earth plane, and to all known / unknown to whom knowingly or unknowingly we did some wrong or they had done to us.

Since two days, I have dreamed of my sister, who passed away 15 years back and my maternal grandmother when I was a kid.

What that indicates? Do they have some wishes left to be fulfilled? I wish to help them if the matter is so. What can I do? It means they have not taken birth again due to whatever the reason?


  • Visualize a Silver Equilateral Triangle in front of you.
  • Just think about them, and command within, “I Release all the memories of their unfulfilled desires, all their unfulfilled expectations into this Triangle”.
  • Call Sun god, “Sun god! Fill up this triangle. Transform all the unaligned incomplete energy frequencies into Light and Love.”
  • Say, “Open Align Resonate with Love and Light” for 3 minutes.
  • When you are chanting the above, visualize the triangle turning into Orange, Red, Blue, Violet, Yellow and Green (one after another).
  • Visualize the Green Triangle coming into your heart centre and becoming a Star of David.
  • From there, visualize green filling up the entire body.
  • While visualizing chant, “Open Align Resonate with Love and Light”

FYI the above mentioned technique is part of Reiki Past Life healing.

Color Treatment for Diarrhea


I had a tremendous experience with Sei Hei Ki and Cho Ku Rei water last week-end.

Luckily, I had got the color therapy manual from you on last Monday. And that Saturday, suddenly my son had a diarrhea in the morning. Immediately, referred your manual and prepared the Sei Hei ki and Cho ku rei water.  Made him drink alternatively both the waters of 0.5 liter of water each. And lo within no time, his dysentery stopped. Made another 1 ltr of same water each and made him drink for the whole day. He was fine at the end of the day.

Thank you sir, for your wonderful gift for the Reiki Practitioners!!!

For Wealth and Welfare

Ms. SR

On the day of the class on ‘Strengthen Your Relationship Cords’, in the morning, my client called up. In between, he told me that I had left a major work incomplete. I had completed all my assigned tasks for implementation of SAP and during the Go-live of the SAP package, they appreciated my efforts.

Then after coming from the class, I called him up and again he spoke in a very angry tone. I was very upset and got angry too. On Sunday, I called the help of “Dakini” and apologised to her. I told her I have been thinking that “he is paying me”, instead of her, who provides us all the wealth in the world.

Then, I went to his office on Monday. The fact that I was very angry was very much visible from my face. Later on he apologised to me several times and told me that I have completed everything and asked me to raise my bill and get the money ASAP.

Further he has also had given me some more tasks to do. Thanks to you, Thanks to Dakini Devi.


Dakini is the goddess, who sits in our basic chakra and provides us all our wealth and security. By praying to her you could fix issues related to your money and work. Ideally, you need to heal your relationship cords with Dakini on a regular basis, for a sustained progress and welfare in your life.