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Implicated in a false case


My father has been implicated in a false court case.

I have learnt Reiki. How can I help him?


  1. Take a piece of paper.
  2. Write his name and case no. etc., followed by the names of the Bach Flower Remedies ROCK WATER and PINE.
  3. Draw with hand on the paper Sei He Ki and say, “Release.”
  4. Draw Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen  and say, “From the root”
  5. Draw Cho Ku Rei and say, “Heal, Replace justice”.
  6. Give hands on Reiki for 10 minutes daily to the paper.
  7. After drawing the symbols, while placing your hands on the paper, keep on chant, “Quite Mind, Open Heart, Relax”


Rock Water will help you to find justice and Pine will help him to prove his innocence and make him free from being accused.

Describe the problem or write the problem details on a piece of paper and then give Reiki to it. This is one of easy methods to solve a problem.

Additionally, we have written the names of the remedies relevant for the situation to improve upon the results.

Positions of Energy

Major Reiki Positions

There are 18 positions in our body, through which we can tap energy.

However, if you have a lot of money but do not spend it, then the money is useless. In the same way, if you don’t tap the energy in you, it’s as good as being poor.

Giving Reiki in those positions

By giving Reiki in these 18 positions, Reiki will remove all unwanted stuff from our lives.

We don’t have to worry, which position removes which unwanted stuff. Just work in all these positions. Reiki will take care of the rest.

Chakras Vs Reiki Positions

These 18 positions are governed by the seven chakras.

Therefore, by working on these positions, you work on the chakras that channel the energy for us. Origin of disease happens because of lack of energy in chakras.

Hands-on Reiki Positions

If you are keeping your hands on Reiki positions then do the following, after drawing the relevant Reiki Symbols:

  • In each position, spend at least three minutes. You could use an alarm with a snooze facility. If you don’t want to do that, to manage duration of giving Reiki in each position,you may say the affirmations certain no of times (say for example, eleven times in each position).
  • Finally to take care of back positions, which is hard for some people to place their hands on back positions, do the Hanuman posture (joining the hands and two soles of the feet) for a few minutes after drawing the symbols. This is very good to energize yourself after a long strenuous day.

Reiki Sessions

It takes about 45 minutes to give Reiki to all positions.

If you can’t get 45 minutes at a stretch, then split your session into three 15-minutes sessions – first session in the morning, second session during the day and then the last one before going to sleep.

We may fall asleep while doing the third session though. However, it doesn’t matter.

Clear your health issues


Give Reiki to whole body, especially back of the head, on the back of the head behind your mouth.

For Fever, Reiki water works better. Energise the water with Zonar, Sei he ki and Rama symbols.

Give Reiki to the kidneys and to your feet as well.

Physically tired

Cho ku Rei

Give Reiki to anything that requires energy.

You may give energy to whole of the world.

If there is a problem in the society that means there is less energy.

Reiki can be useful to handle that.

I have a friend, was saved from tsunami, as she tried out the violet flame technique and Reiki.

Before a surgery and after a surgery

Give full-body Reiki

Pain in teeth

Have hands-on jaws on the side where there is pain.

In addition, give Reiki to Kidneys.

Stress busters

Give full-body Reiki on a regular basis.

Restless leg syndrome

Giving Reiki to legs, Crown Chakra, and Basic Chakra will stop it.

Chronic disease like asthma

Full body Reiki

Head ache

Forehead and back head positions, as well as Basic Chakra.