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Tension Reliever


When emotions are overwhelming, we don’t know that thoughts are behind any emotion. What’s the thought behind the tension? It’s difficult to say because we do not observe the mind.

The traditional Reiki Symbol Sei He Ki will remove unwanted and unrequired thoughts, which trigger the emotions.

By drawing the Karuna Reiki Symbol Shanthi, pink color energy will be generated. What’s the advantage? It aids relaxation.

Positions of Energy

Major Reiki Positions

There are 18 positions in our body, through which we can tap energy.

However, if you have a lot of money but do not spend it, then the money is useless. In the same way, if you don’t tap the energy in you, it’s as good as being poor.

Giving Reiki in those positions

By giving Reiki in these 18 positions, Reiki will remove all unwanted stuff from our lives.

We don’t have to worry, which position removes which unwanted stuff. Just work in all these positions. Reiki will take care of the rest.

Chakras Vs Reiki Positions

These 18 positions are governed by the seven chakras.

Therefore, by working on these positions, you work on the chakras that channel the energy for us. Origin of disease happens because of lack of energy in chakras.

Hands-on Reiki Positions

If you are keeping your hands on Reiki positions then do the following, after drawing the relevant Reiki Symbols:

  • In each position, spend at least three minutes. You could use an alarm with a snooze facility. If you don’t want to do that, to manage duration of giving Reiki in each position,you may say the affirmations certain no of times (say for example, eleven times in each position).
  • Finally to take care of back positions, which is hard for some people to place their hands on back positions, do the Hanuman posture (joining the hands and two soles of the feet) for a few minutes after drawing the symbols. This is very good to energize yourself after a long strenuous day.

Reiki Sessions

It takes about 45 minutes to give Reiki to all positions.

If you can’t get 45 minutes at a stretch, then split your session into three 15-minutes sessions – first session in the morning, second session during the day and then the last one before going to sleep.

We may fall asleep while doing the third session though. However, it doesn’t matter.

Solar Miracles


Please advise me about your precious method that can heal Ovary Cysts. I know a 25-year old girl, for whom her right Ovary has been removed due to tumor and cysts has been found in her left ovary. Can her mother and mother in-law chant for her?


1.       Chant BLUE SAPPHIRE

2.       Pray to sun god, “Sun-god, please send the solar healing rays on — (name of the person), to disintegrate and expel the undead cells of the ovarian cyst.” Pray once and visualize solar rays healing her. She will be alright.

Her Mother and Mother-in-law can chant for her.


Cysts have been found dissolved. No more cysts. Thank God.


Now continue the healing in a different way:

“Sun god, please send the solar healing rays that align every organ every cell of — (the patient’s) body to DIVINE ORDER”.

Visualize the rays filling up the entire body. Thank the sun after 5 minutes and come out of the solar meditation.


Cysts have been dissolved. Thank God. May dear one have healthy life and positive Vibration by the Grace of Lord SUN.


The Gem Remedy Blue Sapphire can restrict the growth of any growth in the body.

The Sun has all the energy to remove the unwanted cells from our body and give the necessary energy and cells to our body.

How Our Reactions to Problems Affect Us

Problems appear in pranic body first

All our problems enter the physical body only after entering our energy body.

Say for example, you are having some problem in the knee, liver or stomach means that one or two months prior to this, the energy body is affected in that particular area.

So maintaining the clean energy body, by realigning the energy body to the flow of Divine energy, you are cleansing, clearing and energizing and preventing the physical problem.

Our thoughts and emotions affects our energy levels

The energy body is also connected to the mind. In other words, mind is also energy. Every thought is energy and every emotion is energy too.

If you have feelings of joy and enthusiasm or any positive emotions and if you have positive thoughts then you are positively contributing to the energy. When he is in a joyful mood he can run 10 miles. If the same person is sad and depressed he cannot run even 1 mile. It means the unwanted emotions – sadness, worries or fears will dampen the energy. They will pull down the energy level by deviating from the energy flow.

Our thoughts and emotions affects our body and organs too

That means our own thoughts, thinking process and emotions have a definite impact on the energy body and in turn on the physical body.

That means each and every organ is connected to the energy body/etheric body mentally as well as etherically. Therefore, our mental thoughts and emotions will have an impact on the physical organs.

However, anger will affect only certain organs, sadness and depression will affect some other organ, and worry will affect some other. For example, while liver is affected by anger, then it will not be affected by worry.

So each and every organ is specific about receiving a particular energy. As far as the receiving of energy is concerned, it is the chakra which decides that, because each and every chakra is connected to certain organs.

When the energy is received in the form of light, each and every chakra is specific in receiving only one color. In that way the energy field is processed and maintained by the energy body.

How does Reiki works

Part IV of the article, “What is Reiki”

Excerpts from the book, “True Spirit of Reiki”

Reiki works in a simple manner, that is, through symbols. There are certain Reiki symbols which work and bring in the energy of Divine.

The energy (pranic) body is energized or the Divine energy is processed by seven chakras.

Light is also a form of energy. Light is of different colours. You like certain colours and you do not like certain colours. From the space, from the light or from the Sun God, we receive energy in the form of light. When you receive excess of Red colour, some red has to be eliminated and some red has to be stored.

Each and every chakra, maintains the pranic body.

Problems appear in pranic body first

All our problems enter the physical body only after entering our energy body.

Say for example, you are having some problem in the knee, liver or stomach means that one or two months prior to this, the energy body is affected in that particular area.

So maintaining the clean energy body, by realigning the energy body to the flow of Divine energy, you are cleansing, clearing and energizing and preventing the physical problem.

Our thoughts and emotions affects our energy levels

The energy body is also connected to the mind. In other words, mind is also energy. Every thought is energy and every emotion is energy too.

If you have feelings of joy and enthusiasm or any positive emotions and if you have positive thoughts then you are positively contributing to the energy. When he is in a joyful mood he can run 10 miles. If the same person is sad and depressed he cannot run even 1 mile. It means the unwanted emotions – sadness, worries or fears will dampen the energy. They will pull down the energy level by deviating from the energy flow.

Our thoughts and emotions affects our body and organs too

That means our own thoughts, thinking process and emotions have a definite impact on the energy body and in turn on the physical body.

That means each and every organ is connected to the energy body/etheric body mentally as well as etherically. Therefore, our mental thoughts and emotions will have an impact on the physical organs.

However, anger will affect only certain organs, sadness and depression will affect some other organ, and worry will affect some other. For example, while liver is affected by anger, then it will not be affected by worry.

So each and every organ is specific about receiving a particular energy. As far as the receiving of energy is concerned, it is the chakra which decides that, because each and every chakra is connected to certain organs.

When the energy is received in the form of light, each and every chakra is specific in receiving only one colour. In that way the energy field is processed and maintained by the energy body.

Explanation for ‘Turn the anger Away’

Please refer the article ‘Turn the anger away” here:

When you are angry, your solar plexus chakra will be rotating in the anti-clock wise direction. A chakra is nothing but an energy centre, through which one expresses positive emotions and negative emotions, by way of spinning clock-wise or anti-clock-wise.

If any chakra circulates on the clockwise direction, it will create a positive effect. However, if it rotates on the anti-clockwise side, it will create negative effect(s) on you.  Please read the blog to gain some more information on Chakras:

Whenever a chakra rotates clockwise, it will receive energy from the Universal Divine Energy or Cosmic Energy – the one that is within and around us. When chakra rotates in the opposite direction, instead of receiving the universal energy, it will send out the unwanted outside – in this case anger. Then a person projects the energy of anger outside, attracting events that will further aggravate one’s anger.

If there is a quarrel or unnecessary entanglement, just before the incident, the solar plexus rotates anticlockwise, without us knowing about it. We may think that the opposite person is unnecessarily creating problems. Therefore, when you expect a quarrel anywhere with any person, instead of blaming him, mentally command your chakras to rotate clock-wise with optimum speed. It is only intention and visualisation. Instead of seeing outside, we see inside and correct our energy centres. 

Please note here that each of the chakras has to rotate at a specific speed, neither fast nor slow. That’s why we command them to run at an optimum speed.

Anger is generated from the Solar Plexus chakra, which is one of the seven chakras. It is below the chest and above your navel.  The heart chakra is in the middle of the chest, a centre from which love flows in and out. So when both the chakras are rotated, and been commanded to spin at an optimum speed, the anger is dissipated and love is created. Love attracts Love.

Compiled from Naran’s lectures