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Joy can never be described in words

Give Reiki to all the houses you have lived in.


We used to visit our grandparents house from the maternal side during all summer holidays and at least once in between the annual visits. Those days are over.

That house has given us lot of joy and celebration, a great home to stay with no concerns whatsoever and multiple socializing activities. How will the house feel now? You say that every house has a soul. What that soul will feel now? Very sad and rejected, I suppose.

So I started sending Reiki to it as an attitude of gratitude. While doing so, a thought crossed my mind – what about the current house we are living in? It’s a new house, which was built over the old house.  If every house has a soul, then the old one had a soul too. How much it would have felt hurt, when it was destroyed?

So, I started drawing the Zonar symbol few times. I sensed that the soul of the old house is happy and thankful. Then I did Sei he Ki few times. When I started doing Rama symbol, I felt that I was in the middle of a great party that I had never attended such a great one in my life.

That joy can never be described in words.


This exercise will strengthen one’s Basic or Root chakra, which stands for stability and safety. Everybody needs a food, clothes and shelter and what else. Even if you have good food – which you take to satisfy your hunger, you need to come back to your place of shelter.


The very next day after doing the exercise, I got a huge profit in share business. I think it is a sign of the stability you are talking about. I will continue to do this exercise.

Sending Reiki to your house will stabilize our lives.

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Implicated in a false case


My father has been implicated in a false court case.

I have learnt Reiki. How can I help him?


  1. Take a piece of paper.
  2. Write his name and case no. etc., followed by the names of the Bach Flower Remedies ROCK WATER and PINE.
  3. Draw with hand on the paper Sei He Ki and say, “Release.”
  4. Draw Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen  and say, “From the root”
  5. Draw Cho Ku Rei and say, “Heal, Replace justice”.
  6. Give hands on Reiki for 10 minutes daily to the paper.
  7. After drawing the symbols, while placing your hands on the paper, keep on chant, “Quite Mind, Open Heart, Relax”


Rock Water will help you to find justice and Pine will help him to prove his innocence and make him free from being accused.

Describe the problem or write the problem details on a piece of paper and then give Reiki to it. This is one of easy methods to solve a problem.

Additionally, we have written the names of the remedies relevant for the situation to improve upon the results.

Explanation for ‘Turn the anger Away’

Please refer the article ‘Turn the anger away” here:

When you are angry, your solar plexus chakra will be rotating in the anti-clock wise direction. A chakra is nothing but an energy centre, through which one expresses positive emotions and negative emotions, by way of spinning clock-wise or anti-clock-wise.

If any chakra circulates on the clockwise direction, it will create a positive effect. However, if it rotates on the anti-clockwise side, it will create negative effect(s) on you.  Please read the blog to gain some more information on Chakras:

Whenever a chakra rotates clockwise, it will receive energy from the Universal Divine Energy or Cosmic Energy – the one that is within and around us. When chakra rotates in the opposite direction, instead of receiving the universal energy, it will send out the unwanted outside – in this case anger. Then a person projects the energy of anger outside, attracting events that will further aggravate one’s anger.

If there is a quarrel or unnecessary entanglement, just before the incident, the solar plexus rotates anticlockwise, without us knowing about it. We may think that the opposite person is unnecessarily creating problems. Therefore, when you expect a quarrel anywhere with any person, instead of blaming him, mentally command your chakras to rotate clock-wise with optimum speed. It is only intention and visualisation. Instead of seeing outside, we see inside and correct our energy centres. 

Please note here that each of the chakras has to rotate at a specific speed, neither fast nor slow. That’s why we command them to run at an optimum speed.

Anger is generated from the Solar Plexus chakra, which is one of the seven chakras. It is below the chest and above your navel.  The heart chakra is in the middle of the chest, a centre from which love flows in and out. So when both the chakras are rotated, and been commanded to spin at an optimum speed, the anger is dissipated and love is created. Love attracts Love.

Compiled from Naran’s lectures