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Well-being of everybody concerned

Giving Reiki to somebody means giving them energy. Wherever the energy is less, give Reiki.

Give Reiki daily to your Family photograph.

Give Reiki to drinking water and make others drink it. It’s very effective.

When we give Reiki to children they learn to live with Reiki.

When you fight with somebody give Reiki to them as they are indirectly asking for it.

Send it to the people around you as all of them are our projections.

Take UP a New Job

Naran’s Reiki Healing Method for R Mohan’s Job Situation

Mohan – I am going to do consultancy for a new client from next week. What shall I do?

Naran: Send Reiki to all those who are currently working and to those whoever has worked in this company before. You don’t need to know them. Just send Reiki to them. Reiki is Intelligent!!! It will know who should be healed.

I am afraid that I might find the same type of boss as my previous ones in the new company. I always have a great relationship with my colleagues, while my relationship with my boss will not be as good. Of course, I have improved it over a period of time, thanks to your healing methods.

Naran: Send Reiki to your current boss as well as all your ex-bosses. Your past will be healed. So you will find a boss of your liking in the end.Likewise, if you have any issues with your current co-workers, send them Reiki as well.

Send Reiki to the place of office – where you are currently working. In addition, you may send Reiki to all the offices you have worked before.

In general, I was never paid as much I deserve

Naran: Send Reiki to all your pay slips and the opportunities you have received in the past. Do it for all companies you have worked so far. If not, at least the last three companies you have worked.

My father worked in a top position in the central government office. But after retirement, he seems to lose his way in terms of position and money. I work for private companies. I am expecting a worse result. How to get better and better financially and in position?

Naran: We reflect our parents, grand-parents and great-grand-parents. In fact, we are influenced by 22 generations from each of our parent’s side.

Whatever benefits you are enjoying today you have taken it from them.

Whatever sufferings you are under-going you have picked from them.

Only the situation varies from them.

Feedback from Mohan

My job seems to be easier to do, co-operation from employees in the client’s office is fantastic, boss is very appreciative and money is reasonably good. The most desirable aspects of work for me – flexi-work hours and freedom of creative contribution are in plenty to be found.

I am doing this healing for last two months. Every week I find something good is happening in my friend’s lives too. That’s very touching!

Thanks Reiki! Thanks Naran! Thanks My PAST!!! 

Method to heal long-standing problems

1.       Take a piece of paper. Write your problem on it, using whatever words that comes to your mind.

2.       Draw with hand on the paper Sei He Ki and say, “Release.”  Release all emotions and thoughts related to the problem as they sustain the problem.

3.       Draw Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen and say, “From the root”. It goes to the root of the problem and fixes it.

4.       Draw Cho ku rei and say, “Heal, Replace”. Replace the problem with the solution you want or the goal you want to achieve.

5.       Draw Zonar symbol. Will release the desires attached to the goal as more you are attached to the results, the achievements will be delayed.

6.       Draw Rama symbol. Will send the desire to the Mother Earth, where the desire will be transmuted and the objectives of the goal will be realized.

7.       Draw Shanthi symbol. Will bring love to your heart, which will make you whole and complete.

8.       Give hands on Reiki for 10 minutes daily to the paper.

9.       After drawing the symbols, while placing your hands on the paper, keep on chanting for 10 minutes, “QUITE MIND, OPEN HEART, RELAX”.

Solar Miracles


Please advise me about your precious method that can heal Ovary Cysts. I know a 25-year old girl, for whom her right Ovary has been removed due to tumor and cysts has been found in her left ovary. Can her mother and mother in-law chant for her?


1.       Chant BLUE SAPPHIRE

2.       Pray to sun god, “Sun-god, please send the solar healing rays on — (name of the person), to disintegrate and expel the undead cells of the ovarian cyst.” Pray once and visualize solar rays healing her. She will be alright.

Her Mother and Mother-in-law can chant for her.


Cysts have been found dissolved. No more cysts. Thank God.


Now continue the healing in a different way:

“Sun god, please send the solar healing rays that align every organ every cell of — (the patient’s) body to DIVINE ORDER”.

Visualize the rays filling up the entire body. Thank the sun after 5 minutes and come out of the solar meditation.


Cysts have been dissolved. Thank God. May dear one have healthy life and positive Vibration by the Grace of Lord SUN.


The Gem Remedy Blue Sapphire can restrict the growth of any growth in the body.

The Sun has all the energy to remove the unwanted cells from our body and give the necessary energy and cells to our body.

Get into the wonderful world of light and love

When you are initiated into Reiki, you remove yourself from the world of darkness – problems and hatred and move into the world of light and love – solutions.

Who is doing Reiki Initiation?

Here I am not doing the initiation, Dr. Mika Usui, the one who found the Reiki system of healing, is doing the initiation.

Mrs.Takata is responsible for spreading Reiki throughout the world.

Experience of Reiki is wonderful

Reiki, though it is a simple and subtle energy, you will be able to experience the wonderful energy of Reiki and the greatness of it, after you become a Reiki channel. Even though, I have been spending all my life with Reiki, I cannot explain that in words, as one has to experience that to know that.

Your life will be fulfilled thanks to Reiki

  • All your intention, if it is for your highest good can be fulfilled very easily with Reiki. Whatever be your good intention and good desire, if it is for your good, it will definitely manifest with the help of Reiki.
  • You can change your life through Reiki. You can refine your life through Reiki. You can discipline your life through Reiki.
  • You can also send love through Reiki.
  • You can re-establish harmony in your own house with Reiki.

Simply surrender to Reiki and Reiki is ready to do everything for you.

Reiki Initiation

While doing the rhythmic breathing one by one will be called and will get initiated. Till the initiation is over for all, you have to close your eyes. By closing your eyes you are going from darkness into light.

Give Thanks

When you give thank your heart expands and when the heart expands the eyes expresses it with tears. When you think and thank somebody you should get tears in your eyes and that is how you must express your thanks. It is not a word, but the language of divine.