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Clear your health issues


Give Reiki to whole body, especially back of the head, on the back of the head behind your mouth.

For Fever, Reiki water works better. Energise the water with Zonar, Sei he ki and Rama symbols.

Give Reiki to the kidneys and to your feet as well.

Physically tired

Cho ku Rei

Give Reiki to anything that requires energy.

You may give energy to whole of the world.

If there is a problem in the society that means there is less energy.

Reiki can be useful to handle that.

I have a friend, was saved from tsunami, as she tried out the violet flame technique and Reiki.

Before a surgery and after a surgery

Give full-body Reiki

Pain in teeth

Have hands-on jaws on the side where there is pain.

In addition, give Reiki to Kidneys.

Stress busters

Give full-body Reiki on a regular basis.

Restless leg syndrome

Giving Reiki to legs, Crown Chakra, and Basic Chakra will stop it.

Chronic disease like asthma

Full body Reiki

Head ache

Forehead and back head positions, as well as Basic Chakra.

Color Treatment for Diarrhea


I had a tremendous experience with Sei Hei Ki and Cho Ku Rei water last week-end.

Luckily, I had got the color therapy manual from you on last Monday. And that Saturday, suddenly my son had a diarrhea in the morning. Immediately, referred your manual and prepared the Sei Hei ki and Cho ku rei water.  Made him drink alternatively both the waters of 0.5 liter of water each. And lo within no time, his dysentery stopped. Made another 1 ltr of same water each and made him drink for the whole day. He was fine at the end of the day.

Thank you sir, for your wonderful gift for the Reiki Practitioners!!!

Method to heal long-standing problems

1.       Take a piece of paper. Write your problem on it, using whatever words that comes to your mind.

2.       Draw with hand on the paper Sei He Ki and say, “Release.”  Release all emotions and thoughts related to the problem as they sustain the problem.

3.       Draw Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen and say, “From the root”. It goes to the root of the problem and fixes it.

4.       Draw Cho ku rei and say, “Heal, Replace”. Replace the problem with the solution you want or the goal you want to achieve.

5.       Draw Zonar symbol. Will release the desires attached to the goal as more you are attached to the results, the achievements will be delayed.

6.       Draw Rama symbol. Will send the desire to the Mother Earth, where the desire will be transmuted and the objectives of the goal will be realized.

7.       Draw Shanthi symbol. Will bring love to your heart, which will make you whole and complete.

8.       Give hands on Reiki for 10 minutes daily to the paper.

9.       After drawing the symbols, while placing your hands on the paper, keep on chanting for 10 minutes, “QUITE MIND, OPEN HEART, RELAX”.

My sister’s son is not settled in a job


My sister’s son keeps giving excuse to get into a job. He is 26 years old. He has passed his BE with a reasonable score. Through his contacts he was able to clear interviews and gets a few job offers too.


He was her first son isn’t it?


Yes, though he wasn’t her first child. She had an abortion first. So before he was born, she was bit concerned and worried that she might lose him too.


Before giving birth to her son, she would have been switching between desire to have a child and a fear that she will lose her second child too (fear of abortion). This would have made her feel unsteady and confused. This unsteadiness in the mind has affected him and he is in two minds.

When she was married?




Starting from 1980, give her Reiki one month after another till the birth of this boy, with an intention, “Reiki make her whole and complete in all aspects of her life, Release all her fears. Make her feel stable and safe, and steadfast and clear in all her decisions’.

If she is healed like this, her son also will become steadfast and steady.