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Tension Reliever


When emotions are overwhelming, we don’t know that thoughts are behind any emotion. What’s the thought behind the tension? It’s difficult to say because we do not observe the mind.

The traditional Reiki Symbol Sei He Ki will remove unwanted and unrequired thoughts, which trigger the emotions.

By drawing the Karuna Reiki Symbol Shanthi, pink color energy will be generated. What’s the advantage? It aids relaxation.

Decide the Best Course of Action

The traditional Reiki symbols Sei He Ki and Cho Ku Rei works on our thoughts and our Pranic body.

The Karuna Reiki symbols – especially Zonar, Rama and Shanthi, work on our emotions.

So healing takes place completely if we use all these Reiki symbols.

Of course, Reiki finds its own way to heal.

It decides the best course of action for everybody concerned.

 We just need to give ourselves totally – surrendering to Reiki.

Believe that Reiki will take care of everything in the way, our life needs to be taken care off.

And it will!!!

Method to heal long-standing problems

1.       Take a piece of paper. Write your problem on it, using whatever words that comes to your mind.

2.       Draw with hand on the paper Sei He Ki and say, “Release.”  Release all emotions and thoughts related to the problem as they sustain the problem.

3.       Draw Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen and say, “From the root”. It goes to the root of the problem and fixes it.

4.       Draw Cho ku rei and say, “Heal, Replace”. Replace the problem with the solution you want or the goal you want to achieve.

5.       Draw Zonar symbol. Will release the desires attached to the goal as more you are attached to the results, the achievements will be delayed.

6.       Draw Rama symbol. Will send the desire to the Mother Earth, where the desire will be transmuted and the objectives of the goal will be realized.

7.       Draw Shanthi symbol. Will bring love to your heart, which will make you whole and complete.

8.       Give hands on Reiki for 10 minutes daily to the paper.

9.       After drawing the symbols, while placing your hands on the paper, keep on chanting for 10 minutes, “QUITE MIND, OPEN HEART, RELAX”.

Reiki Colour Therapy for Common Ailments

  1. When there is abdominal gas causing chest pain or constipation – Drink Cho Ku Rei water and Zonar water 2 to 3 times a day.
  2. Back pain or pain in the joints:  Massage with Zonar water 2 to 3 times daily. Take Zonar water 2 times daily.
  3. When there is Bed wetting:  Zonar water is to be given twice, once before going to bed and once after waking up in the morning.
  4. When there is blood Pressure (high):  Give Cho Ku Rei and Sei He Ki water 2 to 3 times daily.  Preparation is to be done separately.
  5. When there is breathing trouble:  Give Zonar water twice; massage with Zonar oil in the chest.
  6. Burns:  When there are burns apply Sei He Ki oil over the burnt part.  Give Cho Ku Rei water to drink.
  7. Convalescence:  When there is physical weakness after a long illness and weakness of various systems, Cho Ku Rei and Zonar water can be given.  The Zonar water will help in iron deficiency.
  8. Cold and Cough:  In cold and cough, Cho Ku Rei water is very helpful.  When there is running nose and phlegm Zonar globules and Cho Ku Rei globules will help.
  9. When there is constipation:  One cup of Cho Ku Rei water in the morning on the empty stomach, and one cup of Zonar water after meals will help.
  10. When there is diarrhoea/dysentery:  Cho Ku Rei and Sei He Ki water should be given alternately.
  11. Eye Disorders:  For sore eyes, redness in the eyes, and watery eyes.  Eyes can be washed with Cho Ku Rei water. Cho Ku Rei water can be used as eye drops.
  12. Fevers:  In addition to the chakra healing, Sei He Ki water is to be given 2-3 times a day.  If the fever comes down, give Cho Ku Rei water 2 times before meals.
  13. Dysmenorrhoea (Excess Menses): A mixture of Sei He Ki and Cho Ku Rei in the ratio of 3:1 is to be given 3 times daily before meals.  The abdomen can be massaged with Sei He Ki oil.
  14. Amenorrhea (Scanty Discharge):  A mixture of Zonar and Cho Ku Rei water can be given 2 times a day one week prior to periods.  Massaging the abdomen with Zonar oil will also help.
  15.  Head Ache:  Rub Sei He Ki oil on the head.
  16. Insect Bite:  Massage with Sei He Ki oil for immediate relief.
  17. Insomnia:  Sei He Ki charged globules can be taken at bed time.  Massaging with one drop of Sei He Ki oil will induce sleep.
  18. Paralysis: Every morning a cup of Cho Ku Rei water is to be given in the empty stomach.  The paralyzed part should be massaged with Zonar oil.
  19. Piles:  If there is pain or itching apply Cho Ku Rei oil 2 to 3 times daily.  Cho Ku Rei water should be taken 2 times a day. If there is bleeding, Sei He Ki water should be taken.
  20. Sciatica: Cho Ku Rei and Zonar water to be mixed (1:1) and given 3 times daily.  Massaging with Zonar oil on the part will help.
  21. Skin Disorders:  For itching, boils, eczema, 3 cups of Cho Ku Rei water to be taken daily.
  22. Worms:  Cho Ku Rei and Zonar water (1:2) to be mixed and given for 3 days. Globules also can be given on the empty stomach.