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My reactions affect my dear ones


I myself studied REIKI all three levels, merlin trinity, and angel therapy.

Still holding fear, distrust, lack of love, confidence, self-worth, and must be something more, which is affecting people deeply connected with me. My kids suffer too.

I want to improve as well as heal myself and them too.


First heal your fears.

Write all your fears in a paper.

Then write “Reiki heal all my fears for my highest good”.

Keep the paper in the hand and give Reiki.

Do this daily for ten minutes.

Then take up the next issue.


Fear represents darkness. Reiki can convert them in LIGHT and LOVE.

My sister’s son is not settled in a job


My sister’s son keeps giving excuse to get into a job. He is 26 years old. He has passed his BE with a reasonable score. Through his contacts he was able to clear interviews and gets a few job offers too.


He was her first son isn’t it?


Yes, though he wasn’t her first child. She had an abortion first. So before he was born, she was bit concerned and worried that she might lose him too.


Before giving birth to her son, she would have been switching between desire to have a child and a fear that she will lose her second child too (fear of abortion). This would have made her feel unsteady and confused. This unsteadiness in the mind has affected him and he is in two minds.

When she was married?




Starting from 1980, give her Reiki one month after another till the birth of this boy, with an intention, “Reiki make her whole and complete in all aspects of her life, Release all her fears. Make her feel stable and safe, and steadfast and clear in all her decisions’.

If she is healed like this, her son also will become steadfast and steady.

You need not lose your job

If you handle your fear and insecurity inside you!!!


I called Balakumar as my husband had an issue at office.  He passed a remark about one of women colleagues who works with the board of directors in the staff cafeteria. This reached her through someone and she was very angry and upset.

She mailed this to my husband. When my husband tried to call her to apologize, she messaged saying she was too upset to attend to his call. My husband immediately got extremely perturbed and called me up to tell me that he might lose his job or face serious consequences because of his loose talk.               

Balakumar asked me to draw a 4 petal flower on a paper, rotate it with my hand in the clock wise direction and say my husband’s name basic chakra is rotating clock-wise at a normal size and optimal speed.  I kept doing this and after some time drew the same on my left palm and rotated with my right palm as my son kept taking the paper away.

Naran told me that we had to only handle the fear and insecurity element. Within 2 days, the lady called my husband and told him to make his interesting jokes and remarks in her presence, so that she could enjoy it as well.

Thank you                 

Significance of Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Symbol

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is the mantra given by Usui and not a Reiki symbol. Even though it is a Japanese script, it is very important.

Even though it’s used only as a connecting symbol, it has a powerful meaning behind it. Its meaning is, “I am in the right direction – I am silent to know my true nature which is shining like a light and that is Divine”.

“Be in the Present”. That is what our master Usui says. Then only you will know your true nature and eventually you will know the power of Reiki.

When you draw Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, you will be connected to divinity. When you do it, you are connected to divinity. It doesn’t do anything else except for this connection to divinity.

Whenever there is a problem, if it is chronic, and comes again and again, say, like vertigo, then you should draw Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol, to release it. Draw it over the affected part. What is the significance of this? By doing it, we are connecting the part to divinity, and place it at the feet of divinity.  Then that part is connected to source of Reiki.  After doing that connection, affirm to higher self to continue to do the healing. So the healing will continue even without the need of your presence

What other healing powers it has?

Whatever healing we do for others, there is a possibility that we will get contaminated to an extent. If my patient has a stomach ache, then I get stomach ache too. When you do deeper healing, then you might get something of the problem or disease.

That doesn’t mean we should be afraid. Fear should not be there while one does the healing. We heal and we should know how to release the possible contamination. We should equip ourselves to handle any contamination. We should not stop healing. That’s why I say that with awareness, we should do it. Otherwise, other person’s unwanted energy will come to your aura.

Whether an object is animate or inanimate, it has consciousness. The black or unwanted released energy will be happy to come to you, the healer. All the dark particles want light. Therefore, they travel to you, the Reiki healer thinking, “This (you the Reiki healer) is a better place where there is more light and love. We have found place here. Let us stay here”.

If the released energy comes to you and when you undergo or experience the same or similar problem, tell them, “There is a better place, where there is more light and love. I will show you the path. This is the way to go”. Then you draw the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol, to show the direction to Reiki Source. You also become silent this way. Therefore, it goes away to get transmuted to light and love.

Reiki Colour Therapy for Other Ailments and Life Situations

  1. Cho Ku Rei (green) water can reduce allergic reactions, histamine release is inhibited.
  2. Cho Ku Rei water can reduce high B.P. and dilates capillaries. It stimulates pituitary gland. A must water during infectious fever.
  3. Cho Ku Rei water, if applied on the glands will balance them.
  4. Orange (Zonar) water can be used for removing guilt and grief.
  5. By giving Zonar water, the child will start eating well. Zonar expands lungs. It releases spasm in muscle cramps. Prepare Zonar oil and massage it.
  6. Zonar water is to be given to mothers who breast feed the child.
  7. Zonar water improves circulation.
  8. For over use of Throat and throat pains, regular use of Zonar water is helpful. Give Zonar water to bed-wetting children.
  9. By giving Sei He Ki water, (blue) it tranquilises, i.e., pulse rate is slowed down. It reduces appetite and lowers body temperature.

10.  Sei He Ki water can be taken just before sitting for meditation.

11.  Sei He Ki water is anti-inflammatory. If you want anybody to be sincere, devoted give Sei He Ki water.

12.  Sei He Ki water can be taken before sleep.

13.  Crying babies can be given Sei He Ki water.

14.  Sei He Ki water will activate the glands.

15.  Give Rama and Zonar water before any lunch or dinner, people will happily eat everything. When there is fear, depression, gloom and worry, give Rama and Zonar water. It also helps those who say, “I don’t know how to solve. I am in total darkness.”

16.  Rama water will increase appetite.

17.  For gout, arthritic pains, paralysis, and numbness, purchase Til oil daily put Rama Symbol and keep it for seven days. Then use it. Apply on the affected area.

Chakra Balancing – Benefits and Instructions

Benefits of Doing Chakra Balancing

Daily use of balancing the Chakras will clear all the Unwanted Emotions and Thoughts.  This will help you to start leading a Life of Love dictated by Divinity, which is the Unconditional Love flowing from the Heart Chakra.

Position One:

  • This position balances the mind and body.  The mind is re-linked with the body. 
  • The pity is we are always attached with body. The security is in the basic chakra. Instead of finding the security here, the mind travels to so many places, relates with so many, doing so many things, without understanding the importance of the basic chakra.
  • All your resources for security are here. Where do you go? This place will help us first to be with the body and in the long term we will feel secured.
  • Bach Flower Remedy Cerato is also for insecurity. Out of insecurity, he goes and consults people.
  • A feeling of stability and security is created inside the person.
  • Whenever there is fear, spend more time on this position in addition to other chakras.

Second Position:

  • To reduce fat
  • To reduce temptation
  • Balances desires and manifestation and bridges the gap between desire and manifestation.  Then you will desire what is about to manifest, and whatever manifests you will be able to accept it completely.

Third Position:  

  • To improve peripheral circulation
  • To dissipate anger.
  • Merges the Ego and Pride with the Heart.

Fourth Position:  

  • Mind submits to heart.
  • A total relaxation will set in as Love flows from the Heart filling up all the Cells, Organs, Chakras and the auric field.

Chakra Positions

  1. One hand above eye brows and another on the bottom of the back: third-eye chakra and root chakra
  2. One hand on the throat and another one below the navel: throat chakra and Hara chakra
  3. One hand on the chest and another one below ribs and above the navel: heart chakra and solar plexus chakra
  4. Corresponding fingers of both the hands touching each other on the chest: heart chakra

One to three minutes in each position and spend equal time in each position.

Chant the following affirmations in each position:

  • “I Release All the Past”
  • “I Am at Peace”
  • “Divinity Takes Care of My Future”

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