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Clear your health issues


Give Reiki to whole body, especially back of the head, on the back of the head behind your mouth.

For Fever, Reiki water works better. Energise the water with Zonar, Sei he ki and Rama symbols.

Give Reiki to the kidneys and to your feet as well.

Physically tired

Cho ku Rei

Give Reiki to anything that requires energy.

You may give energy to whole of the world.

If there is a problem in the society that means there is less energy.

Reiki can be useful to handle that.

I have a friend, was saved from tsunami, as she tried out the violet flame technique and Reiki.

Before a surgery and after a surgery

Give full-body Reiki

Pain in teeth

Have hands-on jaws on the side where there is pain.

In addition, give Reiki to Kidneys.

Stress busters

Give full-body Reiki on a regular basis.

Restless leg syndrome

Giving Reiki to legs, Crown Chakra, and Basic Chakra will stop it.

Chronic disease like asthma

Full body Reiki

Head ache

Forehead and back head positions, as well as Basic Chakra.

Forgive Your Ancestors


Inspired from your writings, me and my wife used to do forgiveness – to forgive and be forgiven once a day 3 times in a row, the wording of which includes our ancestors who are no more on this earth plane, and to all known / unknown to whom knowingly or unknowingly we did some wrong or they had done to us.

Since two days, I have dreamed of my sister, who passed away 15 years back and my maternal grandmother when I was a kid.

What that indicates? Do they have some wishes left to be fulfilled? I wish to help them if the matter is so. What can I do? It means they have not taken birth again due to whatever the reason?


  • Visualize a Silver Equilateral Triangle in front of you.
  • Just think about them, and command within, “I Release all the memories of their unfulfilled desires, all their unfulfilled expectations into this Triangle”.
  • Call Sun god, “Sun god! Fill up this triangle. Transform all the unaligned incomplete energy frequencies into Light and Love.”
  • Say, “Open Align Resonate with Love and Light” for 3 minutes.
  • When you are chanting the above, visualize the triangle turning into Orange, Red, Blue, Violet, Yellow and Green (one after another).
  • Visualize the Green Triangle coming into your heart centre and becoming a Star of David.
  • From there, visualize green filling up the entire body.
  • While visualizing chant, “Open Align Resonate with Love and Light”

FYI the above mentioned technique is part of Reiki Past Life healing.

True Spirit of Reiki Part II: Tackling problems using Reiki

Excerpts from the book, “True Spirit of Reiki”

Why we have problems in Life?

When we are also connected to the (Universal) Divine Flow why should we have so much of problems? Why should we have so much of physical problems?

There is a problem in life and there is a problem in the body and ultimately we die. That means, whenever the problems comes it is a reminder that we are not synchronized with or in alignment with the Divine Flow. The problems remind us that, we are not in the Divine Flow. You have just deviated from the flow of Divinity and therefore, you have to correct yourself.

Realign your life with Reiki

That is the message of the Divine Energy Ball. But unfortunately we do not listen to that, and we continue to move away from the flow of energy. Reiki is one technique by which the realignment of our thoughts and emotions, realignment of the body and realignment of system takes place.

That means the Divine energy is ever ready to help us. It is we who do not seek help. Help is nearest when the need is greatest.

When some problem comes we think that we are able to solve the problem and we do not surrender. When the problem goes beyond our hand then only we think of praying. Surrender comes only at a later stage.

Why we have to be initiated into Reiki? By getting initiated into Reiki, your energy flow is realigned to the Divine flow.

Doesn’t the Reiki practitioner face any problems in life then?

Then you can ask a question, are people who are already initiated into Reiki are in Divine flow? Are they healthy? Don’t they have any problems in life?

Yes they face problems too, but a correct Reiki practitioner will not worry about the problem. He will accept the problem and wait for the solution to happen instead of going for the problem solving. If anybody practices in that manner the problem remains only as an incident.